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Google Analytics adds more AdWords reporting capabilities

Google Analytics has beefed up reporting integrations with AdWords. A look at the latest release notes from GA highlights the following new capabilities for AdWords reporting:

Deeplinking into AdWords from the AdWords Reporting Section in GA: AdWords logos now appear next to each campaign in Google Anlaytics. Clicking that logo takes you right to that campaign in AdWords. You no longer have to open AdWords separately and search for the right campaign to make changes.

Flexible Auto-tagging Override for GA-AdWords Linking: When auto-tagging is enabled in AdWords, UTM values are automatically appended for Google Analytics so advertisers don’t have to manually tag the URLs in their ads. Now, though, advertisers will be able to customize UTM values for Campaign, Source, Medium, Content or Keyword even when auto-tagging is enabled, if desired. Those values will be brought into GA for reporting.

New Sitelinks report in AdWords reporting section in GA: A new Sitelinks report in the AdWords reporting section includes data for actual clicks on Sitelinks leading to a website visit — not just clicks on an ad when a Sitelink is present.

AdWords Final URL Dimension: This brings GA in line with AdWords’ switch from “destination URLs” to “final URLS,” thankfully. Likewise, the Destination URLs report in the AdWords section of GA is now the Final URLs report.


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